Posts Tagged ‘higher education branding’

What Are We Thankful for? YOU!

November 25th, 2015


In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to express our gratitude to our friends from the world of admissions and enrollment management. In the midst of your hectic and fast-paced world, you may not realize how much impact you have on people’s lives.

We do. Thank you for your passion for education, your amazing work ethic and your compassionate efforts on behalf of students.

Next week, we will continue our discussion on the best ways to grow and control enrollment.  But, this week we want you to know that we are thankful for you and hope you enjoy a well-deserved celebration with family, friends and food!

A CHARLIE BROWN THANKSGIVING - The ABC Television Network will celebrate the start of the holiday season with the classic special, "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 (8:00-8:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. In the 1973 special "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," Charlie Brown wants to do something special for the gang. However the dinner he arranges is a disaster when caterers Snoopy and Woodstock prepare toast and popcorn as the main dish. Humiliated, it will take all of Marcie's persuasive powers to salvage the holiday for Charlie Brown. (©1973 United Feature Syndicate Inc.)

We are helping colleges with their recruiting efforts every day. If I can help you please call or shoot me an email. Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company and the tools we have to offer, click here. Be sure to subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.
RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at Connect with Bob at Linkedin/in/boblongmire.

Don’t Let These 3 Pitfalls Derail Your Enrollment Success

November 17th, 2015

I have been fielding a number of calls this past week from enrollment managers and admission directors who have questions about our blog series on pre-enrollment service delivery. One highly-respected enrollment manager said that five different staffers forwarded a copy of the post to him.   “My first reaction was that everyone was searching for a reason outside of their own sphere that would explain some of our enrollment challenges,” he said. “Then, I got honest with myself. We have a great college here, but can we do better? How do we stack up with our competition? Are gaps in service impacting our ability to make our enrollment goals?“

Customer service sealAll good questions and we have answers.

  • Yes, you CAN, and should, provide better pre-and post-enrollment service. The research is very clear: As an industry, higher education ranks behind banks and cell phone service providers for providing exemplary service. Seriously, when was the last time you heard anyone say anything positive about either of those?
  • Understanding how you compare to the schools that you compete with isn’t just nice to know, it is NEED to know. Our Service Quality Management (SQM) tool offers the ability to compare your service delivery to your direct competitors as well as to institutions across the United States because we have seen the impact that data can make on a college’s enrollment.
  • And, yes, your pre-enrollment service delivery DOES impact your enrollment. Over half of students and their parents told us that the pre-enrollment service they receive from a college influences their selection decision and 25% of those told us they had eliminated a formerly highly attractive college from consideration on the basis of receiving poor service traced to one or more brand touch points. They also say that service is one of the best ways to differentiate one college from another. The fact is: Prospective students and parents view the pre-enrollment service they receive as predictive of how the student will be served after enrollment. They will avoid colleges that exhibit bad service during the “college shopping” process.

If you are like many admission departments leading the charge to improve the service you provide the students you are recruiting, here are some common pitfalls you want to avoid.

Pitfall # 1:  Making assumptions.

If you are relying on gut feel or anecdotal evidence to evaluate your college’s level of service delivery, you are making assumptions that can, and will, derail your enrollment efforts. You are probably familiar with this modern proverb: “When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.”

Do This Instead:  Measure it so you can manage it.

If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it. First, benchmark your current state. Knowing your service strengths and weaknesses is a critical component. A baseline study will allow you to prioritize which areas need the most work, what should take precedence and which of your strongest attributes you should focus on in your recruiting efforts.

An added bonus, a credible baseline measurement report is a powerful tool to have when you are seeking buy-in from other departments or even your administration.

Need more information about establashing a Baseline Measurement? (Review here.)

Pitfall #2:  Falling into the “That’s the way we’ve always done it” trap.

Perhaps you currently gather feedback from prospective and current students in an effort to monitor your student service delivery. But, are you asking the right questions?we have jpg

For example, most colleges survey students and parents after a visit. Were we friendly? Did we provide the information you needed? Was the tour guide engaging? Did you like our campus and community? What did you like most and least about your visit? What improvements can we make?

These may seem like good questions but they don’t tell you much.

Do This Instead:  Ask questions that tell you if your campus visit “moved the student’s needle” in your favor.

The right questions can give you tremendous insight. For example: Did your campus tour guide make you more or less excited about attending? If so, by how much? Why? Did you find the city/community more or less exciting and inviting than other colleges you visited? If so, what made it more or less exciting? To what degree do you feel we took a personal interest in you? Did that make a difference in your desire to enroll here? Did your view of our college change as a result of your visit? If so, how? For better or worse? How can we better show you what your life will be like as a student here?

This just scratches the surface of the range and depth of questions you can ask. Don’t be afraid to ask penetrating questions of students and parents after a visit. Let students and parents know that your purpose is to better serve them, and future students, by gaining a greater understanding.

Pitfall #3:  Going it alone.

In our experience, the admissions department naturally takes the lead in the development of a pre-and post-enrollment service plan. But not involving the entire campus is a big mistake.

Do This Instead:  Reach out campus-wide.

Colleges and universities that score the highest in pre-enrollment service are those that view prospective students and their parents as important customers. They typically engage every person on campus in a customer service plan with clear and actionable instructions and objectives. Most importantly, they express to each person how key their role is, and offer specific ways they can help the institution improve provide the best possible customer service.

In order for real transformation to occur, every member of every department must be apprised of the plan and committed to creating a more positive experience.  Certainly, interactions with faculty, admissions and financial aid are critical, but many schools are surprised to find the impact that campus maintenance, grounds keeping, security and even the switchboard operators can have on establishing an impression. Imagine the institution as a very large rowboat, where each individual rower is moving in harmony with hundreds of other rowers, propelling the craft swiftly and seamlessly through the water. With everyone working toward the same goals, progress will be inevitable, and apparent to your prospects.

The research suggests that for most colleges, improved pre-enrollment service offers an immediate opportunity to differentiate themselves in a highly-competitive marketplace. Best time to start the process? Today!

Longmire and Company offers Service Quality Management (SQM) surveys to help you achieve these goals. And we conduct workshops on campus to help colleges chart their course in providing better service to prospective and current students. Contact me today and I will show you how we can help you measure and manage your pre-enrollment service. Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo.

RickMontgomery_100x100Rick Montgomery is as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. With over 20 years in higher education marketing, he brings an innovative and dynamic approach to helping colleges and universities meet their enrollment goals. Rick can be reached at 913/492.1265 x.708 or via email at


What College Admission Counselors Can Learn from the iPhone Phenomenon

September 23rd, 2015

This Friday thousands of people will line up at Apple stores worldwide to purchase the latest edition of the iPhone. And, even though the fervor surrounding this latest iPhone-Frenzyproduct launch doesn’t match that of the first ever iPhone release, industry insiders are estimating this weekend’s sales will top 10 million-10 times more than the first weekend sales of the “original” iPhone.

Can we take a page from Apple’s playbook for greater success in higher ed enrollment? Yes. We believe there are two fundamental principles that we can adopt for greater enrollment success.

Think about the people who stood in line to purchase the original iPhone. Most of them already owned a cell phone so it was a discretionary purchase. An expensive one at that since the new phone costed as much as 4 times the one they already owned. Most of them had done some research on the product and had likely formulated perfectly rational reasons why they needed this product.

But the act of pulling out their wallets or signing on the dotted line was motivated by their desire to have it.

They acted on emotion.

The facts, as they perceived them, simply supported their desire.

Lesson 1:  Facts tell, Emotions sell

And therein lies a lesson for college admission counselors. In fact, in our recent co-sponsored study on the college selection process, we found that a student’s excitement about attending a particular college outweighed other key factors, such as cost and perceived quality of the institution, by a ratio of 2-1.

When prospective students are searching for a college and talking to admission counselors they ask a lot of questions. They need information. They need to know about programs, costs, opportunities and time frames. They need facts.StudentWithHeartSign270x270

The facts, however, won’t generate excitement.

The attraction to the school will come from elsewhere. It may come from a sense of community that they felt on a campus visit. Or it may come from an encounter they had with a professor or another student. Or it may come from an affinity they developed with your college when their brother or sister attended.

Ultimately, the student will have an emotional attachment to your college that transcends anything factual. That’s why it’s so important that we appeal to prospective students on an emotional level in addition to providing the necessary factual information.

They need more than facts and information from us. As counselors we need to show them what their lives are going to be like as students on our campus and in our community. When we talk to a prospective student, our job is to spark their excitement – to engage their emotional commitment to our college.

Lesson 2:  Strong Bonds = Greater Success

Excitement alone may have driven the frenzy surrounding the first iPhone release, but it is the bond that the company has built with its customers that have made it possible to increase sales tenfold.

You know that a student’s college selection is tied closely to the strength of the relationship they build with your college over time. Building relationships is a complex, nuanced and powerful part of student recruitment. The key question is, “What can you do to influence relationship-building with your prospective students in all aspects of your recruitment efforts, from social media to personal contact. And, how can you involve all influencers, on or off campus, in the development of rich relationships with our prospective students?”

Your admissions officers work hard to spread the word about your institution during college fairs and at high schools. They lay out the facts and features. Your office most certainly conducts great campus open-houses at which enthused, friendly, and eager staffers speak positively about the great things your school can do for students. You most likely have a focused direct marketing and electronic recruitment strategy.

All of this activity is good and necessary, but how do you know which, or if any of these activities are truly generating that moment of excitement, that emotional bond that makes students want to show up on campus day one?

Relationship_SlideYou can join a prestigious group of colleges and universities that are exploring the issue of building relationships with prospective students. Call us or click here for information about of our new co-sponsored study, “The Relationship Dynamic: How prospective students form a relationship with your college, and why it matters in your ability to grow and control enrollment.”

This we know: When we effectively develop a relationship with students and create excitement about our college, we become something they just have to have. We are then able to give them what they need and, more importantly, give them what they want.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

Karen Full picKaren Full is a highly-respected higher education professional who has held positions in admissions and enrollment management at several institutions in the Midwest and Florida. With her vast experience working with large and small, public and private colleges, Karen brings a valuable perspective to her role as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. Call Karen at 913/492.1265 x.711 or email her at Follow Karen on Twitter @KarenAFull.


3 Things Prospective Students (and their parents) Want You to Know!

September 1st, 2015

Over the next few months you will have many conversations with prospective students and their parents. What better time to offer you some insights we’ve collected from tens of thousands of 3 things boystudents and their parents who have shared their thoughts, feelings and viewpoints on the college selection process with us through our national higher education co-sponsored studies?

Here’s what they want you to know:

“I’ll be judging your service delivery from the first interaction.”

You know that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. In our national co-sponsored study, “Pre-Enrollment Service: How customer service delivery during the recruiting cycle influences enrollmentwe found that over 53% of students and parents say the pre-enrollment service they receive from a college influences their selection decision.

They also say that service is one of the best ways to differentiate one college from another. The fact is: Prospective students and parents view the pre-enrollment service they receive as predictive of how the student will be served after enrollment. They will avoid colleges that exhibit bad service during the “college shopping” process.

Colleges and universities that score the highest in pre-enrollment service are those that view prospective students and their parents as important customers. They typically engage every person on campus in a customer service plan with clear and actionable instructions and objectives. Most importantly, they express to each person how key their role is, and offer specific ways they can help the institution provide the best possible customer service.

“Make me feel wanted!”

In our most recent nationally co-sponsored study, “The Excitement Factor! we asked 13,000 college-bound students if the colleges they were considering had taken a personal interest in them at any point in the recruiting process. The response was shocking. Two-thirds said “No” or “Don’t Remember” and in our view “Don’t remember” is the same as “No.”

Student excitement about a college is enhanced when they perceive that the college has taken a sincere personal interest in them. As a practical matter, the more personal interest you take in a student the more you will find out about his or her unique combination of interests, preferences, desires, anxieties, and aspirations. With that greater understanding you will naturally communicate a unique value proposition. The student will perceive you as unique among their available choices. You will have reached the coveted state of differentiation. With 36% to 42% of students in the public and private pools, respectively, saying that this was influential in their college selection, it underscores the opportunity for colleges to impact enrollment by demonstrating a personal interest in students across every brand touch point of the institution.

“It’s easy for me to see cost. You have to help me understand value.”

Yes, cost is a factor, an important one, in the college decision process.  But it may not be the driving force you have assumed it is. Actually, less than 27% of the students in our Value Proposition study considered cost to be the overriding factor in their ultimate college selection.

Just what exactly are prospective students considering when they check out your college? In spite of what the media tells us, students are making their college selection decisions based less on outcomes four or five years down the line and more on what they will experience immediately when they step on campus. Job placement after graduation, for example, ranks fifth on the list of things most important to students and parents in selecting a college. It ranks behind academic quality, availability of specific programs and majors, cost of attending, and their feelings about the campus and students.

Only about one-quarter of students indicate that salary after graduation plays an “extremely important” role in their college selection decision. This attitude is pervasive among all students, regardless of intended course of study.

Granted, cost and outcomes may be more top of mind for parents. However, both parents and students agree: the student has substantially more influence on college selection.

If you are looking for a way to distinguish your college from others, take note: Engaging in a detailed and highly personal discussion of value will set you apart. Again, value has many more components than just cost! Shockingly, only 2 in 10 students and parents say that the college they most seriously considered addressed how it plans to maximize the value received over the course of the student’s time there.Maximize_Value

The lesson here: More explicit discussions of value and value expectation should take place between prospective students, parents and the colleges they are considering. Admission counselors, financial aid staff, and even faculty should have conversations with students and parents regarding the value they desire and expect to get from the colleges they are considering.

The road to graduation is long and has many twists and turns and it all begins with the college shopping process that students are navigating right now. Your challenge is to remain fully and continually connected with them in order to provide the highest level of personal service in all areas that will influence their realization of the full value your college provides.

We are helping colleges with their recruiting efforts every day. If I can help you please call or shoot me an email. Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RickMontgomery_100x100Rick Montgomery is as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. With over 20 years in higher education marketing, he brings an innovative approach to helping colleges and universities meet their enrollment goals. Rick can be reached at 913/492.1265 x.708 or via email at