Posts Tagged ‘enrollment’

Enlightening, Surprising, (and Sometimes Shocking), Insights From Recent Higher Ed Admissions Studies

June 18th, 2015

We recently announced the launch of our new co-sponsored study, “The Relationship Dynamic: How prospective students form a relationship with your college, and why it matters in your ability to grow and control enrollment.”

This study is a partnership of private and public colleges and universities from across the country seeking powerful data about building the types of relationships with prospective students that will lead to enrollment. This is the seventh co-sponsored study we have facilitated in the past six years in an effort to help enrollment management professionals dive deeply into the heart of the issues impacting our industry. CLICK HERE to learn more about getting involved in this new study.

shocked babyOur most recent studies have uncovered many enlightening, surprising, and sometimes, even shocking, insights about the college shopping process. Adept admissions professionals consider these findings opportunities to differentiate their own college in the minds of the students they are recruiting. Here are just a few examples:

A student’s first choice school is very likely to change.

Roughly 40% of students from the pools of public and private colleges swap out their former first choice school with another institution during their college selection process. This happens in about 25% of cases for prospective community college students.

Your college’s perception can be changed from “too expensive” to “totally worth it!”

Even though a student or parent may initially view a college as being “too expensive,” 70% would be likely (25% very likely) to reconsider the college if it can demonstrate greater value. When asked to identify the added value that would be required, numerous students and parents mentioned a scholarship or other financial incentive. However, the majority mentioned added values that are non-monetary such as “greater opportunities,” “job placement,” “better internships”, and “superior academics.”

Prospective students and their parents rank college pre-enrollment service lower than the post office, Walmart and their cell phone providers.

Nationally, students and parents gave colleges and universities a rating of 6.83 in overall service during the college selection process. Compare that to the American Customer Satisfaction Index that reports the United States Postal Service receives an average rating of 7.4, banks earn a rating of 7.6, hospitals 7.7, wireless telephone providers 7.1, and discount stores 7.6. Need I say more?

More Shocking….
That prospective student you are working so hard to recruit? He or she thinks you don’t really care.

In our most recent nationally co-sponsored study, “The Excitement Factor!”,we asked 12,000 college-bound students if the colleges they were considering had taken a personal interest in them at any point in the recruiting process. The response was shocking. Two-thirds said “No” or “Don’t Remember” and in our view “Don’t remember” is the same as “No.” (You can DOWNLOAD  the full report now.)

“The Excitement Factor!” revealed that a student’s college selection is tied closely to the strength of the relationship they build with a college over time. Contributing to the overall relationship are interactions a prospective student has with current students, professors, admission counselors, and even people in points across campus and beyond that are unknown to the admission office. Additionally, students revealed that they can, and do, form strong connections with colleges that lead to enrollment without ever stepping foot on campus.

Building relationships is a complex, nuanced and powerful part of student recruitment. Colleges are asking what they can do to influence relationship-building with their prospective students in all aspects of their recruitment efforts, from social media to personal contact. And, they want to know how to involve all influencers, on or off campus, in the development of rich relationships with prospective students.

Join this partnership of highly-respected colleges and universities and here’s what you’ll learn about the prospective students in your pool:RelationshipDynamic_300x172

  • When the relationship building process begins, the subsequent timeline, and milestones
  • Why students form a bond with one college and not another
  • The types of conversations and interactions that bind a student to a college
  • How admission counselors and others on campus can be more effective as relationship builders
  • How differing forms of communication help to cultivate relationships (personal interaction, email, social media, direct mail, and more)
  • Identifying psychographic segments of students and the types of relationships they seek with colleges
  • How people and methods outside the control of the college impact relationship building and how you can leverage those influences

Co-sponsors find our studies valuable because of the wealth of information they gain – information they can use to drive action and change. And because these studies attract a high number of co-sponsoring institutions they are extremely affordable, costing a fraction of the expense of an individual research project.

For more information, download detailed information about the study by CLICKING HERE or call us at 913/492.1265 x.701.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RickMontgomery_100x100Rick Montgomery is as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. With over 20 years in higher education marketing, he brings an innovative approach to helping colleges and universities meet their enrollment goals. Rick can be reached at 913/492.1265 x.708 or via email at


Are You Truly Prepared to Answer This: Why Should I Choose Your College?

May 27th, 2015

For years, our Interactive Counselor Training workshops have included a section in which we pose a question to the counselors: “Why should someone attend your college?” Predictably, we get myriad responses that include features and benefits that could apply to a great many colleges such as, “We are small and you get highly personalized attention here.” Or, “We are large and give you all the benefits of variety and diversity in our programs and people.”

finding your whyPick any attribute and benefit that you communicate about your college and in all likelihood there are many other colleges that are saying exactly the same thing. Falling into this trap is essentially the same as stepping up to the plate and calling two strikes on yourself before the first pitch. You can’t differentiate your college in the hearts and minds of prospective students.

To help colleges counteract this tendency, we use a video of Simon Sinek talking about “finding the why.” Sinek is a leadership authority, professor at Columbia University, and author whose philosophy is that people “don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” In one of the most watched TED talks of all time, he suggests that people will buy from you if they sense that you believe what they believe. I highly recommend watching his video.  Click here to see it now.

Sinek’s video serves as a springboard for an in-depth discussion of the importance of framing your institution’s value in a way that resonates with what the prospective student believes and finds important in a college. Unfortunately, we have discovered that many colleges don’t truly know what they believe in. They may understand and articulate the attributes of their institution. They can give you many good reasons why they think they are the best college for you. But they have never gone though the process of distilling all of their special qualities into a single belief – an overarching value proposition that the student will immediately find meaningful and compelling.

If this seems a bit abstract, let me share a real-world example from our own experience. Often, a college will ask us, “What do you do?” We  say, “At Longmire and Company we believe that the conversations between prospective students and the colleges they are considering can be much richer and more fruitful for both. Everything we do helps colleges better understand and communicate with prospective students.” We usually follow up with specifics, “This includes counselor training workshops, yield enhancement tools to help you get to know students better, and other products and services that enable a college to attract and enroll prospective students.”

Please trust me that I didn’t insert all of this just to plug Longmire and Company. If you don’t know us, and I just tell you WHAT we do, it has no context. And it’s probably boring. But if I first tell you WHY we do what we do, it gives meaning to the products and services we have. And if you believe – like we do – that having richer conversations with your prospective students will lead to greater enrollment, then you’re most likely to trust that we can help you.

The same cognitive and emotional process holds true when prospective students ask you (in direct and indirect ways) why they should attend your school. Instead of citing features and benefits like the inherent advantages of your small or large school, or the beautiful campus, or your famous alumni, football team or other renowned attribute, first tell them what you believe. “At XYZ University,” you might say, “we believe that students should have the opportunity to ….” Or, “At XYZ, we believe that students deserve ….”

Once prospective students know what you believe and why you do what you do, all of the features and benefits that you present will have context and greater meaning. They will carry greater weight. They will be more compelling. And even though your individual attributes may be similar to that of other institutions, the student will perceive them as being different because you have delivered them in a context that makes you unique.

First you have to find your “why.” Then, you must articulate it clearly and concisely. Finally, you must be able to translate it into how you serve students.

ITW_Logo_503x232We’ve helped many colleges do this while we’re on campuses conducting our Interactive Training Workshops. Since our workshops are completely customized, we often include activities for the sole purpose of defining “WHY.” Recently, we had the opportunity to conduct a workshop that included not only admission counselors and staff but also coaches, faculty, financial aid counselors, and members of the bursar’s office. The workshop included a breakout session of small groups who were challenged to complete the following sentence, “At [the college’s name] we believe….” The rules of this exercise mandated that they discuss it as a group and arrive at a mutually agreeable statement that reflected the underlying belief of the college and how that belief gets translated into serving students in ways that are unique.

The results were nothing short of amazing. This diverse group of individuals, representing nearly every branch of the college, ultimately adopted a singular statement that all thought accurately represented the central belief of the institution. Moreover, they were able to share many examples of how their now-defined “WHY” can provide greater weight and meaning to their features and benefits statements.

Now, instead of simply saying they are a small college that delivers highly personalized service, they are now saying, “At [the college name], we believe that students deserve…and as a small college, we deliver on that belief by….” Their clearer understanding of who they are, and what they fundamentally deliver to students, helps them articulate how they are extraordinary in the sea of choices available to prospective students. That clarity naturally infuses itself in every conversation they now have with prospective students.

We’ve been on many campuses over the years conducting workshops and I can tell you that the vast majority of the colleges we’ve worked with have a deeply-rooted sense of who they are, and how they are different. They just don’t know how to articulate it precisely.

If you fall in this category, do this: Gather some people from your college (from as many departments as you like), mix them up and break them out into groups, and ask them to complete this sentence, “At [your college name], we believe …”

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at Connect with Bob at Linkedin/in/boblongmire.


Celebrate Decision Day! Then, Use These Insights to Move Forward

April 28th, 2015

What are your plans for May 1, aka College Decision Day? Here is our suggestion: First, give yourself and your team kudos for the months of hard work and the outstanding efforts you put forth to serve the students you recruited while building the best possible incoming class. Next, celebrate those great new students that will be joining your campus family this fall. And then, if you are like the majority of college admissions teams across the country, you’ll go right back to work to secure more admitted students because there is still much work to do.

The truth is that most colleges don’t meet their enrollment goals by May 1. According to the “2014 Inside Higher Ed Survey of College and University Admissions Directors,” only 39% of colleges met their target enrollment by Decision Day in 2014 and industry insiders are projecting that even fewer will do so this year.

decision_dayFor college admissions counselors and enrollment managers facing this challenge, we have some good news and important insights gleaned from our latest co-sponsored study, The Excitement Factor! Of the 12,000 students participating in the study, 20% committed to the college of their choice after the first of May.

The late enrollers shared many of the same attributes as their peers, of course. But there were some areas where we found distinct differences that may help you in your outreach efforts.

  • Excitement about Attending: Late enrollers don’t have as high of level of excitement about the college they select and are far less likely to experience a feeling of connection with the college than early enrollers.
  • College Visits and Applications: Students who enrolled later were far less likely to have visited or toured the college they selected than their peers. Actually, they generally applied to and toured far fewer campuses than the students who made their decision sooner.
  • Family Ties: Late enrolling students are more likely to choose a college that a family member has attended than other students.
  • The Cost Factor: The students who enrolled later indicated that cost was slightly more important to them than the students that made their decision earlier.

The late enrollers tended to have lower SAT scores than other students, but otherwise there were no large variances found in the demographics or psychographics of the two groups.

As you review the pool of students still available to you, keep these things in mind. We know that excitement that about attending is a more powerful driver of college selection than cost or perceived quality of the institution and that a tour of your campus can create excitement. Are there students in your pool who haven’t visited your campus yet?

Have you identified potential students with a family connection to your college? In The Excitement Factor!, four in ten students told us that their college choice was influenced by where a parent or sibling attended and late enrollers are even more likely to gravitate to the college that has a family tie for them.

And lastly, if you are looking for a way to really connect with these potential students, we suggest that you make them feel wanted. Two-thirds of college-bound students told us that the colleges they were considering had not taken a personal interest in them at any point in the Personal_Interest_460x287recruiting process. You may have heard the saying that “someone may forget what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Showing a personal interest in a student makes them feel good about the college and it has a strong positive correlation to yield.

We help colleges and universities with their recruiting efforts every day, especially now during yield season. If we can help you, please let me know.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

Karen Full picKaren Full is a highly-respected higher education professional who has held positions in admissions and enrollment management at several institutions in the Midwest and Florida. With her vast experience working with large and small, public and private colleges, Karen brings a valuable perspective to her role as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. Call Karen at 913/492.1265 x.711 or email her at Follow Karen on Twitter @KarenAFull.

Yield Enhancement Series: This “Tune-up” Preps Your Team for Success

March 2nd, 2015

In the world of college admissions, the next few weeks are critical. By the end of April, just eight short weeks from now, nearly 80% of college-bound students will have made an emotional commitment to the college of their choice. Is your team ready for the work ahead?Yield-Enhancement-Series

Sure, they have traveled to dozens of high schools, met with thousands of prospective students and read a mind-numbing number of applications and essays, but are they truly ready to perform at their highest level during what is arguably the most crucial point in the college selection cycle?

If you think you, or your team, could use a “tune-up,” consider these three key points:

Time for a Goal Check-up

The most accomplished college admissions teams set goals and develop the strategies and action items that will help to achieve those goals. Most likely, this is something you did many months ago, but have you revisited them lately? Do you need to revise some of your strategies?

Top-performing admissions professionals clearly define their goals and metrics and they measure their performance. Regularly. Doing so enables them to see what is working and what is not, so that they can make positive changes for greater success.

Own it!

Highly-effective admissions professionals recognize that they have a huge impact on the financial well-being of the institution. As a member of the admissions team, you have a significant responsibility whether you are a counselor, an admissions support person, or the person who greets prospective students and parents at the front door in order to make a great first impression.

Your role can be compared to that of any entrepreneur in a start-up or well established company. Your responsibilities and input, like theirs, significantly influences the success and revenue of your college. Each and every day your accomplishments and the choices you make have a considerable impact.

We have found that the most successful admissions teams are comprised of people who take an entrepreneurial approach to their jobs. Regardless of their position, or their territory, or the pool of students they are responsible for, they approach their jobs as though they are building a business. They “own it.”

Like any entrepreneur, you should keep your antenna up to spot trends in the marketplace and know your unique place in that market. You have to effectively manage your time – the most valuable resource you have – to make sure it’s being allocated to deliver the best possible return. You have to constantly look for “better ways” and not be afraid to apply them to your process or suggest them to the team. You have to constantly develop yourself professionally. Read. Share ideas. Embrace new ways of doing things.

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”   — Lou Holtz

This is probably the most demanding time of year for admissions professionals. On one hand, you may be feeling more than a little stressed and overworked, and you may well be running on adrenaline. On the other, you are enthusiastic about your college and are driven to accomplish your goals. The right attitude will make all the difference in how successful you are in the coming weeks. And, since attitude tends to be “contagious,” you will also be influencing your entire department.

We talked about how important your role is to your college, but equally important is your role to the students you serve. When you need a little attitude-adjustment, just remember this: Helping a student find the right college fit can be life-changing for him or her. You make that happen!

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. Need more yield strategies? Talk to us about our Yield Enhancement (YES) tools.  For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at