Archive for the ‘Customer service’ category

Yield Enhancement Series: Improve Pre-enrollment Service for Greater Yield

February 24th, 2015

A single, isolated incident can change everything. Just ask Liz, an admissions counselor who had been working with a certain prospective student for several months. “Joe is a bright kid,” she told me recently. “He is passionate about biology and was really excited about our top-notch science department. He’d had a great conversation with one of our biology professors and a good visit with a third-year student who is microbiology major. We seemed like the perfect fit for him. I was absolutely sure he would enroll. Then, something happened….”Yield-Enhancement-Series

What happened was that Joe and his parents had less than a stellar experience on their recent campus visit. Specifically, the campus “grounds appeared unkempt, the restrooms were unclean, and some staff members were not helpful or friendly.” This is what Joe’s mother told Liz after he enrolled at another university.

As an admissions professional, you know how crucial first impressions can be. In our national co-sponsored study, Pre-Enrollment Service Study: How customer service delivery during the recruiting cycle influences enrollment, we found that over 53% of students and parents say that the pre-enrollment service they receive from a college influences their selection decision.

They also say that service is one of the best ways to differentiate one college from another. The fact is: Prospective students and parents view the pre-enrollment service they receive as predictive of how the student will be served after enrollment. They will avoid colleges that exhibit bad service during the “college shopping” process.

Certainly, every communication, every interaction, every brand touch- point with a prospective student and/or parent has the potential to make or break the relationship that you have worked so hard to establish.

You may know this, but does every other member of the team? And, by “team,” I mean every person at your college whose actions may influence the enrollment decision. Certainly, interactions with faculty, admissions and financial aid are critical, but many schools are surprised to find the impact that campus maintenance, grounds keeping, security and even the switchboard operators can have on creating a lasting impression.SQM_Logo_160x120

Colleges and universities that score the highest in pre-enrollment service are those that view prospective students and their parents as important customers. They typically engage every person on campus in a customer service plan with clear and actionable instructions and objectives. Most importantly, they express to each person how key their role is, and offer specific ways they can help the institution improve provide the best possible customer service.

The research suggests that for most colleges, improved pre-enrollment service offers an immediate opportunity to differentiate themselves in a highly-competitive marketplace. Best time to start the process? Today!

Longmire and Company offers Service Quality Management (SQM) to help you achieve these goals. Contact me today and I will show you how we can help you measure and manage your pre-enrollment service. Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo.

Click this link for more information about Longmire and Company’s Yield Enhancement System (YES). [Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.]

RickMontgomery_100x100Rick Montgomery is as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company. With over 20 years in higher education marketing, he brings an innovative and dynamic approach to helping colleges and universities meet their enrollment goals. Rick can be reached at 913/492.1265 x.708 or via email at

Yield Enhancement Series: Give Your Prospects an Oscar-Worthy Red Carpet Treatment

February 18th, 2015

This week marks the 87th Annual Academy Awards Ceremony, commonly referred to as “The Oscars.” Over 40 million of us are expected to be glued to our televisions, soaking up all the Hollywood glitz and glamour. We know that you have much more important events on your radar right now like organizing dynamic campus visits for your Class of 2015 recruits, but maybe you can do both!Yield-Enhancement-Series

Perhaps Oscar can teach us all a few things about giving Red Carpet Treatment to prospective students and their parents that will make those visits, and all of our interactions, more memorable.

A recent nationwide study conducted by Longmire and Company of nearly 5,000 prospective college students and parents showed that 53% reported that their decision to enroll in a given school was heavily influenced by the level of service they received during the “college shopping” process. The study found that poor service delivery, across any brand touch point, often outweighs other important factors, including strength of academic programs, faculty reputation and even the financial aid. Students and their families believe that the type of service they receive during the college selection process is indicative of the overall service culture of the institution.

Colleges and universities, large and small, public and private, are taking this to heart and adopting a more student-centric approach to campus-wide service, especially during the college shopping process. Our Service Quality Management assessments are industry-fresh and reflect the current demands and expectations of students and parents both pre- and post-enrollment.

Here are a few Oscar-worthy concepts you may want to implement.

Roll out the Red Carpet

One of the highlights of Oscar night is the red carpet entry. Many colleges have designed a special welcome to give their campus visitors that superstar experience. Some have assigned parking spaces and personalized welcome signage. Seeing your name in lights, so to speak, is always a thrill and a sure way to make sure that student knows how important he or she is to you. We know of one college that actually has the parking detail prepped with individual knowledge about the incoming students so that each is met with a customized greeting when they enter the parking lot; “Welcome, Joe, I heard your high school band had an amazing performance at the Rose Bowl this year with you playing the trumpet.”

Don’t Miss the Photo Op

Hollywood knows the importance of a well-timed picture and you can, too. A photo of a prospective student with the school mascot or at a college landmark that they can take home with them at the end of the day, or is mailed the following week with a (handwritten, perhaps?) note of thanks, can have a great and lasting impact.

Rub Elbows with Celebrities

Even Hollywood celebrities can be star-struck when they get the chance to rub-elbows with the actors, directors and producers they have always admired. Make sure your prospective students get to socialize with your campus “celebrities,” too. For Joe, the trumpet player, the celebrity list might include the band director and another trumpet player. The aspiring journalist would most likely enjoy a visit to the school’s newspaper office. Your current student population, your faculty, and the college administration is full of celebrities—enlist their support.


Nominees at this year’s Oscars will reportedly get $160,000 in gift items each. If that seems a little rich for your budget, don’t despair. You can leave a lasting impression with your recruits for a whole lot less. Backpacks, t-shirts, mugs, fresh-baked cookies with your logo are just a few of the myriad of items that can be given as a take home gift. Most importantly, make sure the SWAG is meaningful and will invoke the positive memories that you have worked so hard to create. Another Oscar-worthy tip: get local businesses to help defray the cost. Is there an area bakery or candy company who would like to provide goodies for the exposure? You don’t think that the Academy pays for all that SWAG, do you?

If I can help you with your recruiting efforts in any way, please feel free to call or email me. I would love to talk to you about our powerful and effective Yield Enhancement System (YES). My contact information is at the bottom of this post.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo.  Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

Karen Full picKaren Full is a highly-respected higher education professional who has held positions in admissions and enrollment management at several institutions in the Midwest and Florida. With her vast experience working with large and small, public and private colleges, Karen brings a valuable perspective to her role as an Enrollment Strategist at Longmire and Company.

Call Karen at 913/492.1265 x.711 or email her at Follow Karen on Twitter @KarenAFull.

Yield Enhancement Series: Personal Interest Equates to Higher Yield

January 27th, 2015

Successful admission professionals know that developing a connection with a student can greatly increase his or her commitment to the college and improve the likelihood of enrollment. In the midst of yield season, they know that strengthening that bond is crucial.

In our most recent nationally co-sponsored study, The Excitement Factor, we asked 12,000 college-bound students if the colleges they were considering had taken a personal interest in them at any point in the recruiting process. The response was shocking. Two-thirds said “No” or “Don’t Remember” and in our view “Don’t remember” is the same as “No.” (If you want a copy of the full report when it’s released, just click here.)


We discovered in the preceding study, Your Value Proposition, that excitement about attending is a more powerful driver of college selection than cost or perceived quality of the institution. Excitement is an emotion that is rooted in how someone feels about the college or university. If the student does not feel that the college has taken a personal interest in them their level of excitement diminishes.

You may have heard the saying that “someone may forget what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Showing a personal interest in each student makes them feel good about the college and it has a strong positive correlation to yield.

Yield-Enhancement-SeriesSmaller colleges have an advantage in that they can more easily establish a one-to-one connection with a prospective student but that doesn’t mean that large colleges that recruit thousands of students cannot also give prospective students the sense that the institution cares about them as an individual. This is typically done by providing great customer service so that students can easily get what they need, when they need it, from people who seem delighted to provide it to them. This commitment and practice has a measurable impact on yield.

Longmire and Company uses our Service Quality Management (SQM) tool to regularly assess the pre-enrollment customer service provided to prospective students by colleges and universities, large and small. The impact on yield of delivering a high level of customer service is astonishing.

SQM and the data collected in the Excitement Factor study show how important it is for an institution to deliver sustained and quality contact with students in each stage of the funnel. I can’t emphasize the word “quality” enough.

It’s easier than you think to measure the pre-enrollment customer service that you’re providing and how it impacts your yield rates. Many of our clients go through the exercise of measuring customer service across all brand touch points so that they can make an objective case for change to all of the departments that are not providing an ideal, or at least acceptable, level of service. Most people who work on a college campus understand the need to grow or improve enrollment. They often just don’t know how to do it. That’s why we always say that if you don’t measure it you can’t manage it.

Do you want to maximize yield? Measure and manage the way you communicate and respond to students and parents throughout the entire recruiting cycle. Do this and you’ll reap enormous benefits.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo.  For more information about Longmire and Company’s Yield Enhancement tool click here.
[Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.]
RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at

Sneak Peek: New Findings Point to Factors Impacting Yield

December 22nd, 2014

We will return after the first of the year with a new series of posts relating to yield enhancement. The new series will present highly useful information and practices that will help everyone connected with student recruitment (even those who don’t believe they are connected to student recruitment).

SneakPeekCurtainIn a study we released earlier this year called “The Value Proposition” we found that a student’s excitement about attending a specific college was a more powerful driver of enrollment than either cost or the perceived quality of the college. Feelings impact yield.

We will soon be releasing the findings from a subsequent study, “The Excitement Factor” that focuses solely on how excitement is created. Our deep dive on the topic provides even stronger proof that yield is so closely associated with student feelings. If you would like a copy of the full report as soon as it is released you can CLICK HERE  to send us an e-mail to put you on the distribution list.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the findings:

  • One-third of college bound students say that “excitement about attending” had more influence over their college selection than did facts about the college.
  • Four in ten students replaced their “first choice” college with another school at some point in their college shopping process and over 25% said it was because another school excited them more.
  • Over 40% of students say they experienced an “aha moment” – an exact moment in time and place where they had a rush of excitement or gut feel that a particular college was the right one for them.
  • Thousands of students in the study described things that colleges do to try to generate excitement that, unfortunately, have the opposite effect.
  • When asked if colleges had taken a personal interest in them at any point in the recruiting process, two-thirds said “No” or “Don’t Remember” (in our view “Don’t remember” is the same as “No”).

These findings relate to your ability to yield the volume and types of students you desire. When we launch our new Yield Enhancement Series we’ll examine a number of ways you can control the interactions you have with prospective students, how you can measure the quality and impact of the experiences they’ve had (and will have) with you, the role counselors play in improving yield, the role others play, and much more.

In the meantime, have a great holiday!


RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment.He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at