Archive for the ‘Behavior’ category

Psychographic Segmentation: How Personality Traits Impact a Student’s College Selection (Part 2)

April 23rd, 2015

[This is the second in our two-part series on the use of psychographic segmentation to frame your communications with prospective students.]

Psychographic segmentation is an effective strategy that can be indispensable in higher education and can impact every stage of your funnel. Using this approach can be a very powerful tool in your mass marketing efforts and will make the conversations that your counselors have with students far more meaningful and persuasive.Eye_For_College

In Part 1, we focused on segmenting students by their fact-based or excitement-based decision making. Now, let’s delve into psychographic segments based on students’ personality traits; how the relationship between specific personality types are associated with what they desire in a college and what communications strategies are most successful in moving the needle of their excitement.

What can you learn from psychographic segmentation?

The 12,000 students who participated in our newly-released study, The Excitement Factor!, identified their personality traits for us. Then, we asked them to specify what they want in a college.

Through statistical analysis, we uncovered four distinct personality types. We labeled them as follows:

  • Warm and trusting (23%): Easygoing, warm, caring and trusting
  • Assertive extrovert (19%): Spontaneous, risk-taker, assertive, social and extroverted
  • Skeptical introvert (40%): Private, introverted and skeptical
  • Analytical perfectionist (18%): Analytical, ordered and a perfectionist

We also explored the associations of those segments with the type of college students say they most desire.

  • Warm and trusting: Career-oriented, friendly, values, safe, personal and affordable.
  • Assertive extrovert: Social, career-oriented, fun, exciting, friendly, values, safe, personal, affordable and sports.
  • Skeptical introvert: Diverse and liberal.
  • Analytical perfectionist: Prestigious, challenging and well-known.

In addition to analyzing the association between personality type and desired college environment, we examined associations with personality types and the most effective communications methods. For example, we found that “warm and trusting” types are more responsive to Facebook than any other personality group.  And, whereas both “warm and trusting” and “assertive extrovert” types will respond positively to text messages from a college, the “analytical perfectionist” will likely be turned off by that style of communication.

Imagine the power of knowing the personality traits of each student in your funnel.  Admissions counselors can have a fuller understanding of each student they talk to so they can serve them best. They can know what they want and why. They can know how an individual student makes decisions and how to frame a value proposition that will most resonate with that person.  A college that gathers this information early in the recruiting cycle (for instance, now for the Class of 2016) can tailor every communication with a prospective student in a highly-personalized way that will dramatically improve the quality and richness of your communication with them.

To do this, many of of the colleges we work with use our Yield Enhancement System (YES) to uncover buying decision and personality-type segmentation. The intelligence uncovered is highly-valuable at every phase of the recruiting cycle, including the final weeks of the yield season.  Some admission offices successfully use this information for more effective one-on-one interactions.  Others fully-integrate the information into all communications by attaching a segment code to each record in a CRM system, thereby providing the trigger to drive specific types of appeals delivered through conversation, email, on-campus interactions, and so on.

The release of The Excitement Factor! is creating a great deal of thought-provoking discussion among enrollment managers and higher education marketing professionals. The project uncovered a wealth of highly valuable information on how your ability to create student excitement about your college can drive your enrollment. You can DOWNLOAD  the report now.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at Connect with Bob at Linkedin/in/boblongmire.

Psychographic Segmentation: How Prospective Students Decide (Part 1)

April 15th, 2015

[Today begins a two-part post on the use of psychographic segmentation to frame your communications with prospective students.]

In the world of higher-education admissions, this is a very demanding, challenging and exciting time of year. You are in the final weeks of yield season for your 2015 incoming class and you are also beginning new efforts aimed at Fall 2016. With that in mind, I want to share some new information that can help you in both your short and long term recruiting efforts. It involves segmenting your pool of prospective students psychographically. It’s about finding out what’s going on in the student’s head, and how it will influence their college selection decision.

Eye_For_CollegePsychographic segmentation is an effective strategy that can be indispensable in higher education and can impact every stage of your funnel. By definition, segmentation simply involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers (in our case prospective students), who have, or are perceived to have, common needs, interests, and priorities, and then designing and implementing strategies to make your personal and mass communications more effective to the various segments you have identified.

You may already group your prospective student pool into geographic and socioeconomic segments. And you might overlay additional data sets for the purposes of predicting outcomes (such as enrollment). Predictive analytics is fantastic. As a marketer, I love it. But my sales background makes me want more. I want to understand each person I’m talking to. I want to know what they want and why. I want to know how they make decisions. I want know how I can frame a value proposition that will most resonate with them. I want to know how they can be best served.

You can get this information from prospective students and it will dramatically improve the quality and richness of your communication with them. You just have to ask them for it.

We have. About 20,000 college-bound students have participated in our most recent national co-sponsored studies, Your Value Proposition and The Excitement Factor!

In those two studies, we uncovered what is going on in their heads as they search for the kind of college they want. We gained insight into how they make decisions. Multiple psychographic segments emerged.

For starters, The Excitement Factor! study uncovered three distinct segments of prospective students with regard to college selection: Those who make their decision based primarily on facts; those whose decisions are driven by their excitement about attending; and those who will make their college selection decision with an equal measure of facts and excitement. As it turns out, each group represents one-third of the total.

Within the facts and excitement segments there are students who are just slightly more inclined to make their decision on facts or excitement. And there are students who make their decision exclusively on facts or excitement.

In conversations with a prospective student, an admission counselor can ascertain which of the three categories the student falls into by asking a few simple questions. When you know where an individual student falls within this spectrum you can make every communication you have with him or her more meaningful. For instance, in conversations with a prospective student a counselor can present information (factual, experiential, or an equal mix) in the context that the student is most likely to absorb and find valuable. Campus tours can be segmented in a manner that will capture the student’s enthusiasm. Your emails will be welcomed and thoroughly read because the student will find them relevant.

A similar process of segmentation and messaging is possible on a mass marketing scale, as well. You may already have in place the technology to personalize by segment everything from brochures and viewbooks to emails and text messages. The key is to gather the type of prospect intelligence that will accurately classify a student as being a fact-based, excitement-based or balanced decision-maker. To do this, many of our clients use our Yield Enhancement System (YES) to uncover this buying decision segmentation. A segment code can be attached to each record in a CRM system, thereby providing the trigger to drive specific types of appeals delivered through conversation, email, on-campus interactions, and so on.

This blog post has focused on segmenting students by their fact-based or excitement-based decision making. In our next post, we will explore more psychographic segments in which students described their personality traits, and how those traits are associated with what they desire in a college, and what communications strategies are most successful in moving the needle of their excitement.

The release of The Excitement Factor! report is creating a great deal of thought-provoking discussion among enrollment managers and higher education marketing professionals. The project uncovered a wealth of highly valuable information on how your ability to create student excitement about your college can drive your enrollment. You can CLICK HERE  to receive an advance copy prior to its national release.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at Connect with Bob  at Linkedin/in/boblongmire.

The “AHA!” Moment: Create Student Excitement to Drive Enrollment

April 6th, 2015

Last Spring, we conducted a series of focus groups on college campuses with students who had recently completed the college selection process and were now enrolled in college.

While we were exploring their individual experiences, one student wearing a t-shirt with the college’s logo raised his hand and said, “I remember the EXACT moment I knew this college was the right one for me.” Intrigued, we asked him to explain.Longmire Twitter Logo

He went on to describe how he had whittled his short list down to three colleges but was still uncertain. They all had what he wanted and all were going to be affordable for his family, he said. On a whim, he decided to visit one of the campuses again. “I was alone,” he said. “I didn’t tell anyone. I just wanted to walk around.”

He described how he was walking through one of the academic buildings. The halls were empty because students were in class. “Then,” he said, “class let out and I was in a sea of college students streaming through the hallway.”

He continued. “I just flowed along with them. I looked around, saw all these people, and felt like I belonged here. Right then I made my decision. I can’t even explain it. I just knew it was right.”

Other students in the focus group had been listening intently and nodding their heads. We asked if anyone else had a similar experience. Hands shot into the air.

That day, nearly every student in the focus group shared a specific story about their “AHA!” moment. They didn’t explain it in rational terms. They described it as an emotional epiphany. They remembered the moment in great detail; where they were, who was with them, the time of day, the weather, even what they were wearing.

Most of all, they remembered the wave of excitement they felt at that instant. They had found their college.

Next week, we will release the findings from a groundbreaking study, The Excitement Factor, which explores how students arrive at that decision point. And what colleges do to cultivate it. Our deep dive on the topic provides even stronger proof that yield is closely associated with student feelings.Excitement_Factor

Joining in this nationally co-sponsored study were forty institutions including four-year public and private not-for-profit institutions, as well as community colleges. More than 12,000 students participated in the research. Each co-sponsoring institution received proprietary data specific to their institution, but we will share the aggregate report and key findings. If you would like a copy of The Excitement Factor as soon as it is released, you can CLICK HERE  to send us an e-mail to put you on the distribution list.

The findings offer valuable insights and specifics that you can use to create student excitement about your college that will drive enrollment. We will delve into many of The Excitement Factor discoveries on this blog, too. There will be findings that validate what you have always suspected, and there will be quite a few surprises as well.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at

Yield Enhancement Series: The Final Push – Share and Learn From Your Peers

April 1st, 2015

[This is Part 8 of the Yield Enhancement Series: The Final Push, offering actionable and effective strategies for the closing weeks of the yield season.]

Tonight, Longmire and Company is honored to be the featured guest of the Twitter chat group #EMChat at 9 p.m. (ET). We hope you will join us for a lively discussion about how to have richer and more productive conversations with prospective students.Yield-Enhancement-Series

The topic is particularly timely, because our research tells us that that nearly 50% of students will make their emotional commitment to a college in the next eight weeks. I can’t over emphasize this point: Every single conversation, every interaction you have with a student or a parent right now, should be focused on how you can get that student to the highest state of excitement about enrolling at your college.

If you aren’t already following #EMChat, you are missing out on a wealth of valuable information from an online community of higher education enrollment management professionals interested in advancing the field. Since founding the group in 2011, Alex Williams (@AlexMWilliams), Jennielle Strother (@EMjennielle) and Jillian Hiscock (@jhiscock) have been bringing admission professionals, counselors, directors, VPs, and higher education partners, firms, and consultants together to tackle enrollment and admissions issues.EMChat_Logo

What makes EMChat unique and especially constructive is the top-notch caliber of enrollment management professionals it attracts. For instance, tonight’s chat will be moderated by Stephen Ostendorf (@Ostendorff), a highly-respected and enormously successful higher-education marketing specialist.

Our own Karen Full (@KarenAFull) has been a moderator and devotee of EMChat for several years and will be part of tonight’s discussion. When Karen joined Longmire and Company as an Enrollment Strategist last year, after an impressive career in enrollment management, she brought along her passion for higher education and admissions and she will share her distinctive perspective with you tonight.

In tonight’s chat we will explore the core issues relating to your communications with the students you are hoping to admit, such as:

  • How do your conversations and interactions with prospective students improve yield?
  • What actions can you and your team take to improve your marketing and interactions with prospective students?
  • How do admissions reps sometime “get in their own way” when working with prospective students?
  • What are the most common concerns/objections you are currently encountering from your admitted students and how do you deal with them?

Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to share ideas with admissions professionals who have the same challenges that you are facing every day.

At Longmire and Company we believe that the conversations between prospective students and the colleges they are considering can be much richer and more fruitful for both. When that happens, both sides are better served. We give colleges a greater understanding of what motivates individual students to select a college and remain enrolled. Our products and solutions help institutions realize greater efficiency and productivity in their recruiting practices. We help colleges and universities with their recruiting efforts every day, especially now during yield season. If we can help you, please let me know.

We will soon be releasing the findings of our national co-sponsored study on the impact of a student’s excitement about attending a college on the ultimate college decision. If you would like a copy of our Excitement Factor report as soon as it is released you can CLICK HERE  to put your name on the distribution list.

Continue the conversation on Twitter @LongmireCo. For more information about Longmire and Company’s Interactive Counselor Training Program, click here. Be sure to Subscribe to Versions of Conversion today so you don’t miss any of this highly-valuable information.

RHL_Photo_100x100Bob Longmire is President of Longmire and Company, Inc. He is a recognized expert on the topic of how prospective students and parents form their college selection decisions – and how colleges can use that knowledge to grow and control their enrollment. He can be reached at (913) 492-1265, ext 709 or at